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Plant Health Care: Insect and Disease Management

EAB*Browntail Moth* Winter Moth * HWA * Ticks and Mosquitoes


Invasive Plant Control Plan Preparation

Forest and Residential Treatments including Poison Ivy/Noxious Plants


Tree and Shrub Pruning

To improve aesthetics, function, and plant health


Shoreland Zone Consultation



Forest Clean Up and Tractor Services


Prescription Deep Root Fertilization and Soil Testing


Municipal and Corporate Tree Assessment and Inventory


The Beginning

Our Owner, Kyle Rosenberg, started providing tree care related services as a Maine licensed arborist in the Midcoast region in 1998.  He graduated from Unity College in 1998 as well with a degree in Urban and Community Forestry.
Kyle is a Native Mainer and spent many years working just outside of New York City on a 1500 acre private arboretum.  Returning to Maine to start a family, Kyle brought his working knowledge of trees and shrubs back with him.

Kyle is onsite for each project.

Gallery of Recent Projects

Day 1 of a shoreland project Brunswick

Monrcief Before.jpg

Revealing the long view Boothbay

Structurally pruning Linden trees Gardiner

Tree banding to capture Winter moth Harpswell

Installing a hub-n-spoke support cable system Falmouth

Initial clearing for a woods trail Trevett

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